GUY Cooper
Guy Cooper’s life is a dichotomy between art and science, as an award-winning multi-instrumentalist musician, sculptor, music producer, composer, manager & music publisher for his studio Serotonin Productions and record label Human Records. Through his studio and label on the Gold Coast over the last 20 years, Guy has composed over 400 tracks, produced over 1600 songs and sold over 9 million records, he has 3 gold records, a Latin Grammy, 2 Arias, 6 Australian Music Awards, 4 QLD music awards and 4 Gold Coast music awards. He has toured around Australia countless times and throughout Japan and Europe. He currently performs live in 3 bands, having just finished a 13-show tour in Japan, mo-hawk up, with his punk band Charlie Rebel. He spends most of his week when not on stage, running his studio and label, teaching and sculpting.
Guy lectures in music production and major projects at SAE Brisbane and entrepreneurial arts at Griffith University's Bachelor of Creative Industries. He has an honours degree in popular music, a physics degree in Astrobiology and his masters in creative industries focused on sculpture and is passionate about the ability of public art to create a conversation on the environment. His 1.3 tonne, 12m, kinetic wind harp shaped like Migaloo the white whale, and based on the detailed whale song, won the People’s Choice Award and Environmental Awareness Award at the 2017 Swell Sculpture Festival.